Business establishment and back office support
Establishing a new business in a foreign country can be an overwhelming experience. DFK Gooding Partners can assist in handling compliance and paperwork by providing back-office support that allows you to focus on establishing sales and revenue streams.
If you are considering a merger or acquisition as an establishment strategy for entering Australia, our corporate finance team offers a wide range of buy-side support in these areas.
We offer several solutions ranging from complete support services, through to simple administration tasks such as completing the regular taxation compliance lodgments for the Australian Taxation Office. As your business grows in Australia, we can continue to provide this service or work with your team to transition this service to your office in Australia.
Witholding tax
Dividends, interest and royalties paid to non-residents are generally subject to withholding tax at a flat rate varying between 10-30%. These are considered to be final taxes on these payments. Exemptions can apply, or may be reduced, under Double Tax Agreements. Knowing the exemptions and when to apply them can save significant tax, for example an interest payment is not deductible until the withholding tax has been paid.
Case Study: Establishing Australian operations for a Singapore Agri-tech
The GrowHub Innovations Company is a Singapore-based Agri-tech and is Asia Pacific’s only Web3-enabled technology plug-and-play ecosystem builder, focusing on food traceability and carbon credits. GrowHub engaged DFK Gooding Partners to launch their Australian operations out of the shire of Murray, in WA. Read our article for more information on how we supported GrowHub.
Registration of foreign companies
DFK Gooding Partners can assist with the registration and reporting requirements of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Foreign companies are not exempt from the audit and disclosure requirements set in place, and any foreign company wishing to carry out business within Australia must be registered with ASIC. This lengthy process can be undertaken by skilled team, as well as all ongoing obligations with ASIC including:
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